084 A Mighty Pile

We by a lot of TV series on DVD. TOO many. It might be one of the reasons we’re poor. And lacking in shelf space. But then again, if you’re not paying $80 minimum for cable every month, you can afford a couple of box sets when you find them. And if you can find two shows a month that are worth collecting on DVD, you’re either watching way more TV than we are or your standards are abysmal. Of course, with Netflix and Hulu you don’t really need to buy DVDs anymore because – LA LA LA LA . . . I CAN’T HEAR WHAT I’M SAYING!

Yuichiro Miura accomplishes more at age 80 than you do in your whole life. He got to the summit of Everest, looked down on the world below and yelled, “All you kids get off my lawn!”

This is the basic idea of the 3-D food printer. This may be the one invention that Luka wants to see become reality more than any other.

From Skullard’s Postcard Collection: Behold the world headquarters of Foodstuffs International, the evil organization working tirelessly behind the scenes to keep cheap and effective food replication from becoming a reality. Plus, they’re always wizzing cheese.