089 The Deadliest of Vegetables

Luka and Skullard have been together since 1998, but as of Sunday it’s actually been twelve full years of marriage. Where has the time gone? In some ways, it seems like it’s flown by. They say that time does the whole flying thing when you aren’t paying attention due to other more fun things going on. That’s us in a nutshell, which is a place we’re used to by now. We’re just two nuts sharing the same shell and loving the close proximity that such an arrangement provides. Granted, the shell in question may be Demon Lord Dante Tower (Demon Lord Dante!?!), but anywhere is paradise when you’re in good company. Thanks for listening and joining us for this little podcast/anniversary party. Don’t worry that you didn’t bring a gift. We’ll just say you paid for the free pizza.

July 20th is National Lollipop Day. I think we may have something here worth celebrating.

Rhubarb chutney – a weapon of mass destruction! Luckily for the public, this would never be allowed on an airplane.

From Skullard’s Postcard Collection: On July 14th, 2001, these two dorky, loner onions celebrated the joyful fact that they had found each other and joined together in holy vegetable matrimony. Immediately, there was an outcry from the religious right about how this multi-layered couple were an affront to traditional marriage. But they persevered, and now they’re celebrating their 12th anniversary, putting their affection on display for the whole world to see, almost as brazen as that wanton slag Deborah Harry.