103 Kinky Hose

103 Kinky Hose
It’s that time of year again when we start to play the gifting game. What do I get Frank? What does Frank deserve? Did Frank give me anything last year? Does it matter? Am I under some kind of social contract with Frank that excludes me from just ignoring that cheapskate altogether? How about a card? A gift card? Does Frank have the base intelligence to even use a gift card? And what kind of card? Denny’s? Amazon? Bed, Bath & Boner-pills? Wait, will these companies even ship to where Frank lives? How much do I want to spend on this asshole? Are we even still related? When was the last time we even talked on the phone? If I died, would Frank even show up at the memorial service? If he did, would he speak? What would he say? “Hi, I’m Frank, and I really didn’t know the deceased all that well, but they never forgot a holiday. Crappy taste in presents though.” Ah fuck you, Frank. You get nothing now based on that entirely made up scenario. Who’s next, Mom? She’s so old she won’t even be around for my funeral. Well, fuck her then too. Hey, this is working out. Who else can I eliminate?

When Skullard tried to paraphrase some of the stats on population growth, he botched it up royal. Here’s Thom Hartmann (not “Dan” . . . Skullard, you knuckle-head!) with the actual numbers and hope for saving the world.

Why burgle people? You know that some of them have axes, right? And they’re former competitive axe-throwers? What’s the matter with you? By the way, you have to love this coverage of the story. Great use of Google Maps and Flintstones sound effects.

With a new decade dawning like a warm sun of hope, 1960 was a year promising the best of everything to the American family. There was technology, convenience, comfort and the casual subjugation of the women folk. But every societal sundae needs a little whipped cream on top, and the Brunswick corporation was right there with family fun on steroids – bowling! Take a dip in the luscious pond of white chocolate that is bowling in America with The Golden Years (1960).

From Skullard’s Postcard Collection: Here are TWO postcards featuring the great Ronnie Gaudern, true champion of the lanes. If you’d like to visit the Ronnie Gaudern and His “Columbia 300” Bowling Ball Fan Club, you can always click the link. I’ve personally seen Ronnie’s picture on various web pages and once on a poster at the Mall of America. It just goes to show what a champion bowler can accomplish in this world.

“Hey babeh . . . how you doin’?”