123 Post-Mortem Manicure

123 Post-Mortem ManicureWhy would anyone need a fake well in the front yard? Are they trying to fool the neighbors into thinking they don’t need that fancy pants city water? Or are they hoping to dupe foot traffic into tossing change into it in exchange for wishes? Sure, a lot of people use these false wells as planters, but a lot of them just sit there empty as if to say, “Ain’t this a fine well? We own it, but we let you look at it. Lucky you!” Actual wells don’t usually sit in the front yard and no longer rely on the technology of a bucket and a rope. Perhaps the real well is being powered by that fake windmill that never turns and the water is stored in the fake barrel. As if these people didn’t have enough crap to mow around already. If we ever have a yard, it will be gravel, and any wells will be unmarked holes going forty feet down to either water or sharpened sticks. It’s up to you to find out which.

But where is pay?

This is easily the saddest picture we have ever taken.

Too much of a bad thing? Here’s what happens when you push the shiny red button in Cabin In The Woods (2012). Spoilers? Oh, hellz yeah.

Luka has a new boyfriend. Well, he’s an old flame rekindled.

Mel sure is a loud-mouthed punk. What he lacks in size, he makes up for in volume, always spouting off about what he’s seen or who he’s been out with. He also wears a jacket with lapels a lot so bigger guys have something to grab him by. Find out if the gang will take out their post football defeat frustrations by beating down Mel in the middle of the dance floor in The Trouble Maker (1959).

From Skullard’s Postcard Collection: Extra points if you knock off his hat!