137 Pancakes

137 Pancakes
Welcome to the return of What Could Go Wrong?, the podcast that needed nearly a month to recover from an invasion of old people. It was said on the podcast and we’ll say it again here: Skullard’s parents are good, lovely people. They’re just not a heaping bucket of fun. They’re old. You can’t expect a couple of aged ancestors to march at the front of the parade, leading the band. If it sounds like we’re badmouthing these people, we’re not. We’re just reporting the facts. And besides, if you can’t complain about your parents, why did you bother having them?

During the podcast, we mentioned that the IKEA breakfast was $2.99. We have wronged that fine establishment. The pre-fab furniture store cafeteria only charges 99 cents for its morning meal. How’s that for value? Now keep in mind that the chocolate cake is $3.29, so don’t take your selfish, spoiled children there if you’re trying to have a reasonably priced meal. Where do they think they’re eating at anyway, Taco Bell?

This is what any Swede should rightly expect from their 99 cent breakfast. This is a proper Swedish pancake. Anything less and your precious little furniture store will burn, assholes.

“You think you got me!?! Just wait until I wrap my musky thighs around YOU, ya scaley bitch!”


This is Fafnir, the crown jewel of the Science Museum of Minnesota. She’s more than a hundred and fifty million years old and glorious, or in the words of Skullard’s Mom, “Meh.”


Can you believe it? Overworked housewives are thrilled over a fine selection of new ironing boards in Making A New Day Out Of Tuesday (1946).

From Skullard’s Postcard Collection: It could be worse, buddy. You could be mashed up into Jon Voight’s crotch right now.
