124 Cash Dollars

124 Cash Dollars

Christopher Walken – scary-ass mother fucker. Jon Voight – creepy-ass mother fucker. If they ever joined forces, the world as we know it would be doomed. But if these two bad-ass mother fuckers ever faced each other in mortal combat, who would win? WHO WOULD WIN!?!

Can you help George’s disembodied conscience? Phooey! It’s no use when it comes to old George. He’s the worst griper there ever was. Why, he ruins everything for everybody. How? Because everybody listens to every shit-talking word that comes out of his mouth, then discusses it among themselves. Darn George. Why does he have to be so negative and influential? Maybe if his conscience didn’t keep leaving his body he’d be a nicer person. Ever think of that, stupid conscience? Fixate on the school dick in The Griper (1948).

From Skullard’s Postcard Collection: Families love Cheerios. Get the whole family together to enjoy a bowl of Cheerios. Why? Because this is what you people will look like if you all eat Shredded Wheat.