062 All Out Of Bubble Gum

For the past several months, What Could Go Wrong? has been acting a little aloof and despondant. It was sad and akward, even around its closest friends. It didn’t go out much, and looked to have lost weight. People were starting to get concerned. Last week, the podcast brightened up! It seemed to be confident again, and everyone figured things were okay. Then suddenly, What Could Go Wrong? disappeared completely, only to be found dead in its bathtub early this morning of self-inflicted wounds. Shockingu! In hind-sight, all the signs were there. Oh well.

In this week’s Bad Movie Review, a man fights another man over who’s going to (or not going to) wear a pair of sunglasses. Either watch this clip of 1988’s They Live or start eating that trash can!

Fringe: The Final Season: The team fights against the oppression of the Observers, or the Viewers, depending on who you ask. This could also be titled “Fringe: The Unnecessary Season”.

666 Park Avenue: Terry O’Quinn and Vanessa Williams play the Devil and his wife in a swanky New York apartment building. “Calling Doctor Faust. Doctor Faust to the creepy basement, please.”

Once Upon A Time: “What? Disney’s going to let us use their characters in a drama series? And we get all the money we want for production? Time to go ape-shit, boys!”

Arrow: One of DC’s least known heroes gets his own Batman-esque live action series. And introducing the most effective, high-tech identity protection disguise yet . . . the hoodie.

Today’s bonus educational short, How Do You Do (1946) reminds young people that the only way to make friends and get ahead in life is by being insanely polite every moment of every day. Shake hands, motherfuckers! I mean, shake hands, PLEASE, motherfuckers, sirs. Thank you.

From Skullard’s Postcard Collection: “You want this? You want? C’mon . . . that’s right, this way. C’mon, just a little further. That’s right, over that line there. Keep coming. You know you want this, right? Good, good, keep moving this way. Oh, don’t mind him, he just didn’t want it as much as you do. Just step over him and keep moving this way. Thaaaaaaaat’s right. Oh, you’re so close! You’re almost getting it. Oops, another line there . . . just step over that, and . . . good, you’re getting the hang of it now. Now, c’mon, a little more. That’s it. Further . . . this way . . . this is what you want, right? See it? It’s right here. It’s all for you. C’mon now, it’s all yours . . . just a little further . . .”