004 Up On Top of the World

Just in time for July 4th, we give you a podcast to help you declare your independance by putting on headphones and not talking to anyone for an hour. Lots of stupid news this week, much of which comes from Ohio. Not sure if that deserves some kind of award or extra supervision. Luka reviews House (1986), a horror comedy that combines The Greatest American Hero, Cheers, the Vietnam war, extradimensional portals and your ex-wife. She also shows off her secret talent (prepare yourself). We play the Anime Lyric Game again in our Random Encounter, and then we talk Kimi ni Todoke, an angst-ridden romance anime that gets high praise. Also, Skullard has a few choice words to say about Chrome Shelled Regios. It’s a full hour plus of American pride and Canadian meh. Enjoy!

Kimi ni Todoke (5 Stars from Luka and Skullard)