008 Be On The Lookout For Orange Goo

We have so much news this week, you’d think we were NPR. Then you’d listen and think, “No, I owe Scott Simon an apology.” Still, there’s a lot of news, and no small portion of it about hillbillies. Lawd, how we love those uncultured denizens of the back woods. They’ll pick up roadkill to turn into clothing, let thier children drive thier trucks and stick thier hands into unidentified substances to get a good, long sniff. We also provide you with more than your recommended daily allowance of wildlife: lions and lobsters and bears (Oh, my!), a hungry rat and some schmuck in a bunny suit wearing a tutu. And if you ever wondered how the Skullard/Luka consortium feels toward bullies, we go on the record with our response to such vile, low-life pig-fuckers.

This week’s Bad Movie Review considers Sleepaway Camp (1983), a shocking tale with a twist ending we saw coming several miles away. Relive those care-free days of summer as you watch one body pile atop the last. Sure, the killings are brutal and gruesome, but the blow is softened a bit considering everyone attending this camp is a rank asshole. And you thought church camp was a pain in the ass.

You’re in on the ground floor as Skullard pitches his idea for an anime series. This could be our ticket, boys and girls. Or not.

This is a long one, so strap yourselves in. There wasn’t even time to have a Random Encounter! We’ve really got to learn to restrain ourselves, and that’s not code for kinky stuff. Get your mind out of the gutter, and get it into Episode 008 of What Could Go Wrong? Enjoy!

Mmmmm . . . get some tail with some nice, fresh rat-bread

Here’s the protagonist of Skullard’s new anime Stir-Fry Panic! A Star is Bjorn!

Should you allow petty day-to-day problems fill you with violent rage? Probably not! This weeks short Control Your Emotions (1950) helps you learn how to cope.