Parents, right? Unless you’re an orphan, in which case, dramatic destinies of greatness, right? But if you have the parental units, don’t you wish they came with fine-tuning knobs? “Okay, let’s turn up the interest in movies, turn down the guilt and adjust the level of Facebook interaction to somewhere around zero.” Or how about installing a mute button? Don’t get us wrong; we love some of our parents. We’re bound to feel awful once they’re gone or so they keep reminding us. It’s just that these people don’t seem to realize we don’t need them in the same way we used to when we were young and dependent on them for survival. We can feed ourselves now. We pay our own way. We’re getting pretty good at either making moral and ethical decisions or avoiding them with large amounts television. It’s not necessary for Mommy and Daddy to be so involved now, though having the laundry done for us again might be nice. Parents need to figure out that we’re like cats: we’ll come to you for affection and attention in our own time and on our own terms and you’ll be ever so charmed by us. Parents, on the other hand, with their need for regular attention and vague desire to help in some way, are more like the dog you leave with your brother when you move. The brother you’re still speaking to, of course.

What Makes A Good Party? According to the experts of 1950, you need a gaggle of squeaky chicks that like to hold planning meetings and arrange hook ups for gang noobs. Not to mention mixers and enough food to feed the men and the one heavy girl. But will that be enough? Will it!?!

From Skullard’s Postcard Collection: Wondering where to stick pins in your dolls to create specific effects? Use this handy chart.

123 Post-Mortem Manicure

123 Post-Mortem ManicureWhy would anyone need a fake well in the front yard? Are they trying to fool the neighbors into thinking they don’t need that fancy pants city water? Or are they hoping to dupe foot traffic into tossing change into it in exchange for wishes? Sure, a lot of people use these false wells as planters, but a lot of them just sit there empty as if to say, “Ain’t this a fine well? We own it, but we let you look at it. Lucky you!” Actual wells don’t usually sit in the front yard and no longer rely on the technology of a bucket and a rope. Perhaps the real well is being powered by that fake windmill that never turns and the water is stored in the fake barrel. As if these people didn’t have enough crap to mow around already. If we ever have a yard, it will be gravel, and any wells will be unmarked holes going forty feet down to either water or sharpened sticks. It’s up to you to find out which.

But where is pay?

This is easily the saddest picture we have ever taken.

Too much of a bad thing? Here’s what happens when you push the shiny red button in Cabin In The Woods (2012). Spoilers? Oh, hellz yeah.

Luka has a new boyfriend. Well, he’s an old flame rekindled.

Mel sure is a loud-mouthed punk. What he lacks in size, he makes up for in volume, always spouting off about what he’s seen or who he’s been out with. He also wears a jacket with lapels a lot so bigger guys have something to grab him by. Find out if the gang will take out their post football defeat frustrations by beating down Mel in the middle of the dance floor in The Trouble Maker (1959).

From Skullard’s Postcard Collection: Extra points if you knock off his hat!

122 No Time To Explain

122 No Time To Explain
Are you smarter than average? You’ve figured out a web browser, so that puts you over a not insignificant segment of the population. Presumably you own and use an MP3 player, so that’s good. If it isn’t filled with Contemporary Christian music, even better. Can you weigh your opinions and beliefs against proven evidence and adjust as needed? Hey, that puts you way over the top. Good for you, you’re smart! Now keep it to yourself. The last thing you need is people finding out you’re intelligent, because once they do, they won’t leave you alone. “Hey, my computer’s really slow. Could you look at it?” “What’s the best kind of mutual fund for my 401K?” “My eight year old is turning into such a slag. Should I beat her?” All of a sudden you’re the mental equivalent to the guy with the pickup who’s friends are all moving. You don’t need that kind of aggravation in your life. Smart people play dumb. Just listen to us; we sound like a couple of idiots. That just shows you how brilliant we really are.

The Crater Lake Monster, as a film, is an eyesore. And the lake it’s set on is no prom queen either. But what about the real Crater Lake? Click here to see a few pics of the the real deal.

DC Comics certainly seems anxious to capitalize on Arrow‘s success. Flash has the advantage to being a direct tie-in with the Hooded Heart-throb. But whereas Oliver Queen is a Studly Do-Right, Barry Allen is more of your “Aw Shucks, I’ll just do my best” kind of kid. Whatta cutie.

Fox is also going to try and join the fun this Fall with Gotham, a prequel series that follows Jim Gordon as he begins his work as a detective in the Big Bad City and meets a bunch of proto-villains and Bat Babies.

And NBC is showing its balls again by taking a chance on Constantine, based on the classic DC title Hellblazer. Every time a major network has tried to do a show based on demons and exorcism, it’s tanked, but Hellblazer was good story telling. Maybe it will work? At least Keanu Reeves isn’t involved this time.

Sara’s parents sure are concerned about their snobby daughter. “Aw Pumpkin, try to like people for whatever they are.”
“You mean judgmental little shits? Sure pops, I’ll get right on that.”
“All these people you don’t like . . . aren’t they happier than you are?”
YES! THAT’S WHY WE HATE THEM! Oh wait, that wasn’t Sara. That was just Skullard projecting. Find out why it’s better to ostracize yourself before the group does it for you in The Snob (1958).

From Skullard’s Postcard Collection: When it comes right down to it, people aren’t so bad. We’re all the same, really. Everyone just wants to be acknowledged and appreciated for who they are, even though sometimes who they are turns out to be needy, irritating time-sponges. What does it cost us if we merely take a moment and interact with people in a pleasant way? That moment, sure . . . and the next few moments because no one seems able to disengage. Not to mention feigning interest is dishonest, so it costs us our integrity as well. A little shitty chitty-chat greases the bung-hole of social intercourse, and if we didn’t plug that opening, those poor people would end up intercoursing themselves, wouldn’t they?

OVA Expectations

000 OVA Expectations
This is our vacation week, and what did we do with all that time off? We ate at Panera Bread. “What? The Skullards didn’t eat every meal at Noodles and Co.?” Well, we still ate there as well, but we also ate at Panera Bread, where you can feast on yummy sandwiches and other people’s conversations. Listen in on our conversation and find out why we own so many wigs.

120 Just Leave

120 Just LeaveHappy Easter. Jesus was married!?! According to recent archaeological findings, our Lord and Savior was some lady’s “Special Guy”. He was not only the Son of God, but the husband of Tracey. He had a mission to reconcile mankind to their Creator and a “Honey-Do” list. “How is it you work all week as a carpenter, but this table you promised to fix four months ago is still wobbly? And don’t think I’m going to be the one cleaning the wine stains out of the bathtub again. Just how does that happen anyway? I swear, your mother sure did a number on you. You walk around here like you’re Yaweh on earth, but you can barely keep your own feet washed. And speaking of that, who was that woman I saw you with? Oh don’t pretend you don’t know who I’m talking about. I’m talking about that whore who was crying all over your feet and wiping them with her hair. What have you been up to!?! Sure, you say you’re just going out with all your loser fishing buddies, but people keep saying they see you with tax collectors and hookers. Are we in some kind of financial trouble? And what’s with all this ‘suffer the little children to come unto me’ garbage? Just how many women have you been with? Christ! Yeah, I’m talking to you, mister!” And then, on the third day, the stone was rolled away from His tomb and Jesus rose from the dead. He appeared to his disciples who were in shock and disbelief, and to them He said, “All these things I have done so that man may know salvation. But don’t tell my wife, okay? Just give me a few days to enjoy this.”

Hello Kitty is oh so happy to show you our new What Could Go Wrong? business card. Coming soon to a restaurant fish bowl near you.

Take it from Mr. Murray, the debate coach who can’t speak a sentence and a half without looking down at his notes. Ray knew how to win speech tournaments and how to almost touch Marilyn’s boobs while standing too close. But when Marilyn wins the big contest, Ray’s compassionate dad makes him feel like some little girl’s bitch. Will sour-puss Ray learn the wisdom of the words, “You can win a lot of respect and inner strength by becoming a good loser”? Or will he figure out that’s bullshit. Find out in The Good Loser (1953).

From Skullard’s Postcard Collection: When the Night of the Lepus comes, it’s time to fight fire with fire. Or fur with fur, as it were.


118 Unconventional But Not Impossible

118 Unconventional But Not ImpossibleWe got April Fooled in so many ways this year. The weatherman told us it was Spring. Pffft, yeah right. The landlord said he would fix the roof. Whatta prankster. The grocery store keeps moving expired food to the front of the shelf. Almost got us with that one, clever Stock Boy. AMC put out a new show called Those Who Kill and tried passing it off as an AMC show. Hardy-Har, funny guys.

This week’s bad movie was The Tingler (1959) which isn’t a bad movie at all, really. It’s a William Castle joint, which means schlock and gimmicks galore. When this movie was in the theaters, people got their asses buzzed. For free! And Vincent Price played the part of a scientist/coroner in a very low-key way . . . until he took a hit of acid.

Want to celebrate Drop Everything And Read Day but don’t have time to Stop Everything? How about a book on the go, and here’s a bunch of free audiobook stories from Skullard’s favorite author P. G. Wodehouse: click here.

Sometimes it’s hard for us to shut up about our love of the Batman of 60’s TV. They just don’t do cameos like that anymore.

Boy, that guy Chick is sure shit-heel, always pushing around the smaller kids and riding new bikes with no hands. What makes him such a douche? Could it be that his parents named him “Chick”? Find out what happens when Chick and his gang of midgets haul buckets of mud from one park to the next in The Bully (1952).

From Skullard’s Postcard Collection: this guy died laughing.

116 A General Stink

116 A General StinkBack when we were in school, on St. Patrick’s Day you were expected to wear something green on your person. If you were caught without some green on you, other people were allowed to pinch you. It was never clear if this was official policy or whether school administrators simply looked the other way, put this punitive system was vigorously enforced. You either conformed to the arbitrary one day dress code or you were pinched. And it was up to whoever was applying the fingers of justice where you got pinched and how hard. Some of these people were rank bastards about it. And it wasn’t a one-off either. Anyone catching you without green got to squeeze a bit of your flesh regardless of how many welts you’d already endured by that point. What this system had to do with Ireland or Catholicism was anybody’s guess, but when the morning of March 17th came around, you sure weren’t thinking about saints. You were digging in your closet and sock drawers for anything that would save your skin. But once you were properly attired, there was no guarantee you wouldn’t get micro-groped by those overly enthusiastic assholes who lived by the maxim “Pinch first, ask questions later.” So perhaps you went on the offensive, snapping out at others and playing color-cop in order to forestall any assaults on your own person. Or maybe you just hunkered down, wearing three long-sleeved shirts and a jacket, waiting for lunch recess when the worst of it would be over. Either way, it was a relief when you were finally old enough for St. Patrick’s Day to become a drinking holiday which has everything to do with Ireland and Catholicism.

This is Echo, one of Luka’s role-playing characters. She’s leveled up and up to the point where she’s so powerful, she’s one the verge of the divine, much like her cleavage. But she can’t just become a goddess by filling out an application at the post office. She needs to attract worshipers by performing godly acts. Luka would like your help coming up with godly acts for Echo to perform (beyond the pornographic ones that Skullard has already provided in full and horrendous detail). Please go to our Facebook page and give your suggestions for how we can elevate Echo to the heavenly realms. Because this is important. Vital, even.

The secretary is an invaluable asset to every office environment, performing her duties with prompt efficiency and foresight. If she does her job properly (and it is, of course, a “she“), everything runs so smoothly that you would hardly notice she’s there. It’s only when she screws up or is a slob that she draws attention to herself, and who would want that? Certainly not any man she works for. Learn how to keep your head down and work like a good little drone in A Secretary’s Day (1947).

From Skullard’s Postcard Collection: Here’s a couple of precious snowflakes being protected by a celestial guardian and a useless dog. So nice of Kensington Funeral Home to remind us to keep our kiddies safe, isn’t it? Seems like such a public service runs the risk of cutting into their bottom line. But look at what they’re promoting: “Leave it in God’s hands. Trust the survival of your children to the angels and various loyal animals. Every thing will be fine now that you know heaven’s winged bodyguards are on the job. So let your kids play in the street with abandon.” Thanks Kensington Funeral Home.

111 You Can Confirm This Perhaps

111 You Can Confirm This PerhapsThis week we talk sports, which is something we rarely do. Possibly because we can’t even agree on what a “sport” is. Luka holds that a sport is athletic competition, while Skullard thinks a sport needs an objective scoring system. Usually this isn’t a problem, but bring up figure skating and all of a sudden the gloves come off (hockey reference). Fortunately, we’re able to come back together and agree that incestuous hillbillies shouldn’t eat the flesh of albino alligator victims. We also concur that it’s not a good idea to let your antiques animate and roam the countryside looking for innocent bystanders to lick.

The Pope says, “Give peace a chance.” The predators say, “Sure, I’ll take a piece of that.”
APTOPIX Vatican Pope Doves

What is a Marmot? It’s a blood-thirsty killer that will rip your neck open with it’s nasty fangs! It’s got a CR of 9 and 87 hit points. It’s also adora-balls.

Animated Umbrella Monster says: “Clean out those closets and recycle, kids!”

The Duke of Wrong, the Man Himself – Myk Lewis has a new comedy site along with his old pal and co-conspirator Steve Cox. Check out all they have to offer from the depths of Al Capone’s Vault! (It wasn’t as empty as you were told.)

Nell sez that your secretarial pool has turned into a gaggle of gossiping geese, and she would know. In fact, I heard Sally say she overheard the boss telling the Pittsburg office over the phone that gossip had become a real problem around here. How can you stop gossip in the workplace? Fire all those mouthy broads, that’s how. But hear it all for yourself from The Grapevine (1953).

From Skullard’s Postcard Collection: Grandma, can you teach me to make a pie?

Sure Becky! First we skin your Uncle Teddy who never calls his mother and use his ungrateful hide for the crust.

Mmmm, Uncle Pie!

110 Big Red Alert

110 Big Red Alert
This week Skullard is accused of being the kind of person who expresses his overly negative opinions on the internet by people who have never even heard the podcast. He is also accused by Luka of being full of shit when it comes to the history of Thomas Crapper, which turns out to be true. Mr. Crapper did NOT invent the modern toilet, although he was a fine plumber and greatly enhanced the design. And we were all full of Crapper when it comes to Humpty Dumpty who, as it turns out, was never an egg but was Humphrey Dempsey, a Chicago city alderman in the early 1920’s. Mr. Dempsey was brought up on corruption charges and removed from office when it was revealed that he was handing out preferential contracts to a local crime boss. Specifically, the reconstruction of a collapsed retaining wall that ran along five miles of train tracks in the Chicago stock yards was held up by Dempsey for more than a year in order to favor a bid from his “good friend” Mitchell King. A prominent construction magnate, King was also heavily involved in prostitution, gambling and loan sharking because who wants to buy a shark, really? You use it for a weekend and then it sits in the garage for the next several years flopping around and eating vagrants. Better just to rent one, and King was in that business. And since he was also in the business of renting women, King sent some of his rental property to the district attorney prosecuting Dempsey to see if he might drop the charges along with his trousers. The D.A. was having none of it though, because he had access to a secretarial pool in the 1920’s. When the sexy stuff didn’t work, King sent some of his bigger goons around the D.A.’s place to give him a good talking to. But the crafty lawyer was better at talking than a bunch of goons, as well might be imagined, and King’s enforcers took up new jobs in the Chicago Police Department where they could brutalize people all they wanted and get a pension. So as you can see, Humphrey Dempsey sat on the wall, Humphrey Dempsey had a great fall (from public office), and all of King’s whores and all of King’s men couldn’t pressure the D.A. to drop the charges. Thank gawd for Wikipedia.

Charlie Brooker’s Weekly Wipe is currently Skullard’s favorite show each week for reasons that are both varied and delightful in their gossamer delicacy. One of those more varied and less delicate bits is Doug Stanhope, the relentless bludgeon of comedy, known to Luka only as “That Terrible Man”.

Also featured on Weekly Wipe is Philomena Cunk, animated gif and crowd participant, who’s mind may well be perfection if you’re into that sort of thing.

C’mon Bob, you know that without the right amount of rest and Dairy Council approved meals you’ll never get better at football. Or bowling. Or with that tramp girlfriend who’s now all interested in that other milk-drinking guy. Get your act together with It’s All In Knowing How (1951).

From Skullard’s Postcard Collection: According to the postcard, “These five cows represent the Brown, Swiss, Jersey, Holstein, Ayrshire and Guernsey breeds. The beauty of each is an inspiration to every breeder of dairy cattle.” Fuckin’ A!

108.5 We All Have Our Things To Do


“We all have our things to do,” he said. And apparently what Luka had to do was sit around and be available for whenever he fancied to show up for days at a time. This week’s podcast is but the latest installment of our ongoing dealings with the grinning face of all evil: the Landlord. Having no oven quickly becomes the least of our problems as coping with this capricious cock-sucker consumes our entire existence. Luka gives you the blow-by-blow of this domestic disaster so you can sit back and revel at all the condescending and unapologetic ballsiness. This is a record of the crimes of the landed gentry. Enjoy.