063 Fifty Dollar Dog

Make no mistake, we podcast from the Greatest County In The World. Or do we? As it turns out, the U.S. has fallen behind China in per capita beer consumption (GASP!). Sure, we’re still #1 when it comes to incarceration rates, but we’re only fifth in executions. No wonder we’re going broke! China, Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia are all probably laughing at us that we bother feeding so many prisoners. “Less feedin’ and more bleedin’,” they say. We’re in the top tier of countries when it comes to human trafficking, but you’d never know that because we rank 24th in freedom of the press. AND 59th in percentage of men circumcised, so take that, you putzes! Our infrastructure is ranked 23rd in the world and our health system is ranked 37th, but somehow we’re still number one in gun deaths, so at least we have our priorities straight. In fact, we have the highest death rate for young people in the civilized world, so suck on that Finland! We’re 33rd in educational performance, but how were you supposed to know that? It’s a miracle you can even read! I guess we’re not doing too bad since on the Index of Global Wellbeing we reached #14. Denmark was #1. So the answer is simple: look at what they’re doing right and see what we can incorporate into our . . . aw, fuck it. Let’s just march in there and force them to give us the good life. That’s how we do things around here. U-S-A! U-S-A!

In 1992, before rings and hobbits and giant apes, Peter Jackson gave us the Sumatran Rat Monkey (TM). This adorable critter put the bite on an over-baring mother and, next thing you know, we get Dead Alive! This is one of the few truly Great Intentionally Bad Movies, and it is an over-the-top slop-o-rama. The S.R.M. (as he’s known to his friends) carries one of the nastiest zombie viruses you’ve ever seen, and Mommy Dearest gets a full dose and begins the plague to end all plagues. Pretty soon “Home Sweet Home” becomes zombie central, and it falls to Mommy’s obedient son and his button-cute girlfriend to destroy all dead that walk. Problem is, it takes more than a shot to the head to put these things down . . . you have to liquify them. And you thought a lawn-mower was just for mowing lawns, didn’t you? Don’t miss this one, if you can stomach all the blood, puss, bile, mucous and generalized glop in bucketfuls.

Wanna see the zombie baby fist fight? Myk Lewis dug us up this clip. Dig it!

CLICK HERE to learn about the strange death of Alfalfa! (Big thanks to neatorama.com!)

The Walking Dead – Season 3: A hack-and-slash opener with shocks and surprises. Sadly, still no showers.

American Horror Story Asylum: An amazing cast with almost too much to do . . . plus a unexpected flash of nun-butt.

Beauty and the Beast: A creature this hideous stretches the limits of credulity, and we’re not talking about the “Beast”. How does this shit get on the air!?!

Do you ever wish your family would fuck off? Well, little do you realize that if they ever did, you would immediately become lonely and starving, waiting at the door for them to return like some wretched dog. Please become enlightened by this week’s incipid educational short; Friendship Begins at Home (1949)!

From Skullard’s Postcard Collection: “Bil Mathiason, Double-A Breeder of Chatwich Basset Hounds, here seen in full uniform along with 3-time state champion winner ‘GOOGS’ – the real force behind the enterprise.” If you ever wondered why I didn’t follow my dream of being a Double-A Breeder, now you know . . . I couldn’t afford the uniform. Sadly, I wasted all my funds on dental work.

062 All Out Of Bubble Gum

For the past several months, What Could Go Wrong? has been acting a little aloof and despondant. It was sad and akward, even around its closest friends. It didn’t go out much, and looked to have lost weight. People were starting to get concerned. Last week, the podcast brightened up! It seemed to be confident again, and everyone figured things were okay. Then suddenly, What Could Go Wrong? disappeared completely, only to be found dead in its bathtub early this morning of self-inflicted wounds. Shockingu! In hind-sight, all the signs were there. Oh well.

In this week’s Bad Movie Review, a man fights another man over who’s going to (or not going to) wear a pair of sunglasses. Either watch this clip of 1988’s They Live or start eating that trash can!

Fringe: The Final Season: The team fights against the oppression of the Observers, or the Viewers, depending on who you ask. This could also be titled “Fringe: The Unnecessary Season”.

666 Park Avenue: Terry O’Quinn and Vanessa Williams play the Devil and his wife in a swanky New York apartment building. “Calling Doctor Faust. Doctor Faust to the creepy basement, please.”

Once Upon A Time: “What? Disney’s going to let us use their characters in a drama series? And we get all the money we want for production? Time to go ape-shit, boys!”

Arrow: One of DC’s least known heroes gets his own Batman-esque live action series. And introducing the most effective, high-tech identity protection disguise yet . . . the hoodie.

Today’s bonus educational short, How Do You Do (1946) reminds young people that the only way to make friends and get ahead in life is by being insanely polite every moment of every day. Shake hands, motherfuckers! I mean, shake hands, PLEASE, motherfuckers, sirs. Thank you.

From Skullard’s Postcard Collection: “You want this? You want? C’mon . . . that’s right, this way. C’mon, just a little further. That’s right, over that line there. Keep coming. You know you want this, right? Good, good, keep moving this way. Oh, don’t mind him, he just didn’t want it as much as you do. Just step over him and keep moving this way. Thaaaaaaaat’s right. Oh, you’re so close! You’re almost getting it. Oops, another line there . . . just step over that, and . . . good, you’re getting the hang of it now. Now, c’mon, a little more. That’s it. Further . . . this way . . . this is what you want, right? See it? It’s right here. It’s all for you. C’mon now, it’s all yours . . . just a little further . . .”

061 Plucky

If there’s one word that describes us, it’s plucky. We’ve got spunk, we do! No matter what the difficulties or dangers, we sally forth and soldier on. Our gritty determination has seen us through countless trials and travails, emerging through the mists of woe with spirited grins on our feisty faces. No challenge can match our bold ganbatte attitude. “We are never give up!” as the song says. There is nothing . . . NOTHING that can hold us down!

Except maybe a cold. That’s a bit much. Geez, cut us a little slack, would ya?

2003’s Love Object is not a bad little creep-out if you enjoy a bit of depraved nebbish in your psycho-killer. Poor Kenneth is such a dweeb. How’s a dweeb-cicle like him ever going to get a date? Here’s an idea: save all the money that isn’t spent on romantic dinners, weekend getaways, flowers, candy and all that other stuff and spend it all at once to buy an anatomically accurate silicone sex doll. Now we’re talkin’! Nikki the Doll doesn’t care if Kenneth is a dweeb, just so long as he dresses her nice and uses a good antiseptic to wipe her down afterwards. But wait, what if spending time with Nikki improves Kenneth’s confidence and he isn’t such a dweeb anymore? What if Kenneth was only practicing on Nikki so that he could get together with Lisa? Nikki doesn’t like that. No, Nikki doesn’t like that at all. Maybe Nikki wants her dweeb back and will do anything to keep him all to her ball-jointed self. Luka, quite the doll herself, gives this dating sim a Good Unintentionally Bad Movie rating. Here’s a quick look:

What makes Love Object such a creepy flick is that RealDolls actually exist! Google it if you want, but don’t do it at work. Rip Torn might kick your ass.

Mark Wayne Williams, the Batman of Petoskey, in all his costumed glory. There are plenty of pictures available of the man behind the cowl, but let’s just remember him this way, shall we?

Yes, by gawd, there IS a Global Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve being heavily guarded somewhere in Quebec. Rest assured.

Red Dwarf X: The Boys from the Dwarf are back, baby!

Elementary: “Ooo, my dear Watson!”

Brickleberry: It lost us right after the Parkinsons/handjob joke. No, we didn’t make that up.

Last Resort: this show should only be watched as one.

Revolution: A thinly veiled NRA wet dream without a single character to cheer for. So, what, we cheer for the guns?

The Mob Doctor: “Feeling plucky, punk?”

How should one behave on a date? Where should you go? What kind of fun should you have? At the end of the evening, should you shake a girl’s hand, ignore her completely, or lunge at her lustfully? Please find the answers by viewing this week’s educational short: Dating Dos and Don’ts (1949)!

From Skullard’s Postcard Collection: Remember back in the old days before Match.com and RealDolls? How did anyone find that perfect person before the internet connected far-flung souls? There were plenty of matchmakers and dating services, not to mention well-intentioned friends that could arrange blind dates. Did any of these things work? Well, let’s see: take a look at your parents. They happy? Y’know what, I’ll stick with the internet, thank you.

And, for no reason at all, plucky duckies!

060.5 Penne Will Not Alleviate Your Misfortune

It seems we have finally found what it takes to shut Skullard up: coughing fits. There’s just something about the hacking expulsion of phlegm that plays havok on that jolly repartee feeling we try so hard to nurture. Hopefully Luka won’t fall prey to the vicious viscous virus as badly as her ailing and afflicted husband, but bedrest and veggies are on the schedule to bring both hosts back up to fighting form. If all goes well, and if frequent visits to a certain pasta outlet are made, perhaps next week a full-sized, full-throated podcast will burst forth fully formed from our feeble frames. Or not. You can never really know. After all, something else could go wrong.

Our friend Fat Nyan has decided to speak up, nyan! He is a plump feline who has dedicated his life to educating the youth of today, nyan. This week, nyan, he discusses the importance of eating one’s vegetables, nyan. Terrible things will happen if you do not, nyan. For more information, please view his video, nyan.

Behold! The Cauldron of Evil!

Does your job make you sick? Well, cheer up, dumb-ass! You might be more important than you think. Please become inspired by this week’s bonus educational short; You and Your Work (1948)!

From Skullard’s Postcard Collection: Say what you will about Noodles & Company, they don’t have this kind of variety. To be fair though, I’ve seen more varieties of pasta shapes in the Mac & Cheese aisle at my grocery store. Where’s Sponge Bob? Where’s Spiderman? I wish the back of the card had the names of the different pastas corresponding with the numbers in the picture, but all it says on the back is “Pasta”. This is often the way when I seek education or enlightenment from postcards: lots of stuff to pique my interest, but skimpy on the details. It’s good practice for watching the news.

060 Seven Inch Long Monkey

Growing up, you may have heard a parent exclaim, “Stop that! That’s disgusting! What if the Queen showed up and saw you doing that?” That was the secular version of, “What if Christ returned and you were doing that?” Such hypotheticals were meant to instill shame into awkward, misbehaving children. More often than not, though, what got instilled was a paranoia towards the sudden injection of royalty or deity into our daily lives. How’s a kid supposed to relax when at any moment a British monarch could pull the coach up out front, walk in the front door and start judging the children? How does a child deal with the anxiety over the very real chance that Jesus will descend through the clouds, gather His faithful and take them with Him to paradise while that child is busy on the toilet? Jesus isn’t going to interrupt; He isn’t rude, but that means the kid misses the Rapture! What would happen if Christ returned AND the Queen showed up? What’s the protocol? “I’m sorry, Your Majesty, I’d love to give you tea, but I didn’t know you were coming, am all out of tea, don’t even own a teapot, and as it turns out I have to rush to claim my eternal reward. So very sorry, Mum, but perhaps we can continue this up in heaven? What’s that Jesus? She’s not . . . oh, now, this IS awkward.”

This week’s Bad Movie Review is about May (2002), a lonely young girl whose mother instilled no small amount of shame and awkwardness of her own. May is a girl with a lazy eye which makes her feel shy and isolated growing up. Her mother uses that isolation to abuse and control the little girl so that by the time May is a young woman, she’s one messed up bowl of rigatoni. She’s really no good at making friends, but she decides if she could make just one friend, one perfect friend, that would be enough. Sadly for her eventual victims, May subscribes to the ala carte school of “making a friend”: take a little from column A, a little from column B, do some creative stitching and viola, a new friend, custom to order. Luka gives this psycho/horror a Pretty Good Unintentionally Bad Movie rating, due to the fact once the killing starts things get a bit silly. Really, a girl Luka’s size is going to slice and dice grown adults with scalpels and scissors? Luka can’t even open a jar of pasta sauce let alone sever Skullard’s spinal column. Not for lack of trying. To open the jar, of course.

Is that a monkey in your pants? This Slender Loris is the same primate that some sub-primates were caught trying to smuggle in this week’s news segment. No, wait, they weren’t trying to smuggle it in the segment, but in a guy’s underwear. The jerk was caught, but hopefully not before some Slender Loris teethmarks were applied liberally.

In the UK, you can dress in a black body suit and be a “Movie Ninja”, keeping the theatre-going public from chatting and texting. In the US you can get your ass shot dead.

Sinbad is a goofy-ass show, but Elliot Knight has Skullard confused and repeatedly having to assert he’s not gay.

He’s Fat-Nyan, cat-turned-rapper-turned-social commentator. He’s got a message for the young people nyan. We’ll be hearing from him in the future nyan. Prepare yourselves nyan.

Kevin MacLeod provides our music over at incompetec.com. Please check out his amazing output. More than likely, this is a jam that Fat-Nyan will use to lay down his rhymes. Groove on it.

Steve has really been misbehaving. Is he a bad kid, or does he just need stricter parents? Are you thrilled to find out the reason? Are you bored enough to sit through a sixteen minute video from fifty years ago? If you answered yes to either of those questions, please tune in to this week’s redundant educational short: Discipline During Adolescence (1958)!

From Skullard’s Postcard Collection: Why do I have a postcard of the Queen? So I can send it to her, jackass, why do you think? I’m a collector, goddamnit, I don’t ask “why”. Why do I have a postcard of the world’s largest block of cheese? Why do I have a post card of a guy lying dead in the desert? Why do I have a postcard of Dan Quayle? Because I need help, damn you! I need to be stopped! I have no control anymore! I’ve got boxes and boxes . . . where’s it going to end!?! Am I going to end up on Hoarders? Am I going to be found beneath a pile of cardstock or locked away, unshaven, compulsively sorting and resorting pictures of things I never saw myself? And what if the Queen showed up!?!

For the record: Luka never said Skullard was purple.

059 It’s Laminated So It Must Be True

We don’t have cable. This is a fact that drives our cable company absolutely nuts. We get our phone and internet through the cable company, and it’s not that bad of a deal, but they want us to pay for cable as well.

“What are you doing for TV?” they ask.

“What’s it to you?” we say.

“Well, if you bundle TV along with internet and phone, you can get a special price of $130 a month.”

“And how much for just the internet and phone?”

Pause. “About $74. But that’s before taxes and fees!”

“Add on taxes and fees. What are we looking at?”

Another pause. “$80.”

“Alright then.”

We have AppleTV. We have Netflix. We have Hulu. We have Vudu if we want it, but who the hell ever would? Sure, they do offer us more than 150 channels of commercial-laden reality television, a half dozen sports networks and cooking/travel shows we’d never watch, but being able to watch anything we want whenever we want with no advertisements for stuff we don’t want for less money? Geez! Those poor cable company phone reps. They must know that selling fast internet means they’re undercutting their own cable business. And if we ever find a cheap cell phone plan? “Too slow, Chicken Marengo!” And maybe then, they’ll stop calling.

The Initiation of Sarah (1978 ) is a Lousy Unintentionally Bad Movie, though you wouldn’t think so considering the movie it blatently rips off is pretty good. Remember Stephen King’s Carrie? If you don’t, this movie is more than happy to remind you. Poor Sarah wants to join the posh sorority with her pretty sister where she can forge lifetime friendships, have underwear pillow fights and be molested by drunken frat boys. But, by golly, if those snooty sorority girls don’t turn out to be a gaggle of snooty sorority girls! Aw, dang! And, dag-nabbit, iffin’ those S.S.G.s don’t go and haze Sarah and abuse her and dump filth on her pretty-pretty dress until her heretofore unmanifested telekinetic powers unleash themselves and wreak havok on all and sundary. Yikes! Who could have guessed at such a massacre and copywrite infringement? Luckily, all this means is that you’ve seen this film before done better, so don’t bother. Once again, Luka’s Bad Movie Review is on the job, protecting you from shitty rip-offs, poor production values, and Morgan Fairchild’s nose.

This is a WCGW A.P.B.! You MUST watch this show! You must tell others about this show! You must keep your remote handy to pause and rewind, otherwise you’re going to miss stuff! Find it, watch it, then thank us later. You’re welcome in advance.

Hey Luka! Who’s that at the door?

Look around your crappy school. Do you see anything to be proud of? Win, lose, draw or blah blah blah whatever the fuck? Then please become enraptured by this week’s thrilling educational short, What About School Sprit (1958 )!

From Skullard’s Postcard Collection: “Varsity School Fashons” According to the back of this postcard, we’re gawking at, from left to right, Miss Colliegiate, Miss Varsity and Miss Coed. Now, I just have to say that I don’t remember Miss Coed wearing that tiara in any of those videos I have. I can’t remember for sure if that’s the same skirt, but she was definitely lifting it several times. Miss Colliegiate may be a bit gauche for Home Economics class with those sequins, but at least she knows to accessorize with white boots like everyone else. And good ol’ Miss Varsity always has those white gloves on hand, as it were, to be handy with the boys on the varsity squad, as it were. Gosh, but the sight of these School Fashions bring back memories of my high school days . . . girls looking elsewhere and smiling at someone other than me. Ah well, them legs are too chunky anyways . . . *grumble-grumble-mutter-isolate-brood-fester-masturbate*

058 It’s Always Billy

Some people are afraid of going to the dentist, and depending on the enamel-drilling psychopath you go to, that can be a reasonable fear. Other people are wigged out by spiders, the abundance of spiders, and the very real posibility that one could be lodged in your ear right this moment and what is that scratchy sensation, does anybody else hear that rustling sound? Snakes are a classic cause of fear, but once they bite you, what’s left to be scared about? Might as well bite the little fuckers back! Fear of flying is rapidly being replaced by a healthy fear of airports, which makes the term “Airport Security” our newest oxymoron. Of course, the ultimate fear we all deal with is the fear of death, but we avoid that by never talking about it or even bringing it up because we don’t have to considering all the marvelous distractions we surround ourselves with like TV, podcasts, the mail, and cell phones in the bathroom. What were we talking about? Doesn’t matter, nothing to be scared of here. What Could Go Wrong?

In 1984, a production company was at a crossroads. Due to poor management and a few tough breaks, Film Ventures International was on the skids. They needed a break, and the company president Edward L. Montaro knew that if they could make one blockbuster hit movie, the whole enterprise could be saved. And so they made Mutant, a film in which a chemical company in a backwoods, hick town turns the local yokels into puss-oozing zombies. Securing the services of the handsome *cough* Wings Houser as the intrepid hero, the film tells the harrowing tale of two brothers running afoul of everything from Southern stereotypes, monsters under the bed, evil scientists, undead school kids, and banana pudding. How could this movie miss? Suffice it to say that it did to the extent that Luka brands it a Lousy Unintentionally Bad Movie, and that Mr. Montaro skipped town with the contents of the company safe and was never heard from again. Considering the man’s filmography, felony theft was the least of his crimes.

Help me, Wings Hauser! There’s something under the bed!!

BEHOLD! The most convincing monster transformation of all time…

“The Candy Lady” is a candy store in Albuquerque, NM that’s been supplying the set of Breaking Bad with it’s Blue Ice rock candy for several seasons. It’s better than the stuff Walter White makes, and only slightly less addictive. Feel free to order some before they’re shut down by the D.E.A.

Yet again, Sweetie has made another musical friend, and Skullard proves that he lacks all willpower when it comes to saying “No” to stringed instruments.

Remember, you filthy children, that when you’re sick the best course of action is to isolate yourself in your home. While you’re there, you can enjoy this week’s contagiously wonderful short; Sniffles and Sneezes (1955)!

Get your headphones on for this one, then knock on over to incompetech.com and hear some more of Kevin MacLeod’s amazing stuff!

From Skullard’s Postcard Collection: HERMOSA LABORATORIES “Where technology meets the sea.” Vanguard reseach and testing for potential bio-electrical uses of eels is one of the many efforts underway at Hermosa Laboratories. Never feel an eel without rubber gloves. (Wiser words were never spoken. – Skullard)

This episode is dedicated in loving memory of Andy McKonicle . . . or whatever that guy’s name is.

057 Without Umbrella

With this installment of What Could Go Wrong?, we now have as many episodes as Heinz has varieties, which to us is significant. More significant, though, is the fact that you can still go back and listen to past episodes and sample their savory goodness, whereas with a certain condiment manufactuer, you can try the ketchup, mustard, some kind of steaky-saucey stuff, and then what? Where are the other 54 varieties Heinz? What have you done with them? Are they secreted away in shame, shambling about a cellar somewhere like some Boo Radley sandwich spread? Or are they kept out of the hands of the general public, reserved only for the flavorful enjoyment of the wealthy elite? What, are some of these condiments tailor made for the enhancement of certain endangered species a la The Freshman? Is that it? Are you merely using the majority of your condiments to curry favor with your friends in the one percent Heinz? How dare you! We common folk should have the same opportunities to dip our fries in your foie gras kicker paste or squirt Grey Wolf Poupon onto our hot dogs from a squeeze bottle as those hoity-toidy bastards at your country club/inner circle/coven/baby-eatery. And what condiment goes best with braised baby? I bet you know, don’t you Heinz? Although, wouldn’t that be funny if it turned out to be just mustard?

This week’s Bad Movie Review scrutinizes one of William Castle’s lesser-known but better acted gimmick films Homicidal (1961). It kicks off with a weird seduction of a bell-boy, a murder of a Justice of the Peace and a high-speed car chase sort of. You think, “Wow, this movie’s all action packed!” But then it settles down into some mere elder abuse (always entertaining) and the vandalism of a flower shop where the flowers never did nuthin ta nobody. Slick guys with goofy teeth and crazy blondes with sharp knives can’t be trusted, but how can we be expected to take the word of a woman named “Merriam Webster” fer chissakes? Luckily, this film gives you a chance to bail if you can’t take the mental pressure any longer. But be warned: if you take advantage of the “Fright Break”, you’ll miss the sight of granny going bowling! According to Luka, this is a Good Unintentionally Bad Movie with a shock-ingu twist that even Skullard didn’t see coming because he was tired.

Ya wanna see the big spoiler from Homicidal? Click right here, and get yourself out of the “Coward’s Corner”.

The True-to-life Walter White lacks quite a bit of Bryan Cranston’s charm. And facial symmetry. And apparently hygiene.

Grimm is back! We’re thrilled! Wanna catch up for Season Two? Here’s Season One in a nice little nutshell.

We also talked this week about an ultra-voilent, hyper-kenetic comedy from IFC called Bullet in the Face. Here’s a taste:

Alchemy Divine is an Etsy shop with beautiful handmade jewelry and snazzy cool things. Click this link and check ’em out! You’ll be surprised at what you find.

Hey, everyone! Don’t you want to live together safely and happily in social harmony? Then you’d better shut up and form a civic association! Please learn how by viewing this week’s educational short: Law and Social Controls (1949)!

From Skullard’s Postcard Collection: “Maison Marcel – Serving the most disciminating woman in the Nation’s Capital for half a century. Widest collection of real hair wigs, custom-made and ready-to-wear. Internationally renowned staff of creative hairstylists.” “It’s my favorite wig!” – Warren

Skullard took this picture on a dirt road on his delivery route. In the back woods, the bears and moose need to be warned.

055 Not Completely Satisfied

For the record, here’s what you have to do:

1. Make a shot of espresso equaling between 1 and 1 1/2 oz. allegedly.

2. Steam 10 oz. milk, like you do.

3. Point your steam wand (YOU’RE a steam wand!) towards the bottom of that stainless steel pitcher you keep tethered to your belt-loop to steam your milk. To create froth, raise the tip just below the surface of the pitcher, or tell a nerd Alan Moore ain’t all that.

4. Pour hot milk in a 12-oz. glass until 3/4 full.

5. Pour the espresso shot into the steamed milk. The glass will now be more full. That’s science.

6. Dust with ground chocolate, cinnamon or nutmeg. Do not dust with dust. You should never leave anything on the counter that long.

There! You now know how to make a latte. You are now over-qualified to work at the coffee shop we go to. Can we come to your house?

1980’s Terror Train is a classic “You picked on me so now, years later, I’m going to kill all of you, one by one, at a party” movie. You would think a guy could get even with a simple flaming bag of dog poop on the door step, but no, it’s gotta be murder. That’s why you should never prank a med school student: they tend to be overachievers. Frat boys trick a nerd into almost getting in bed with a corpse, like they do, and the nerd goes flippo. Ha ha, very funny, but no one considers the feelings of the corpse, do they? Who’s the real victim here? Regardless, years later for a New Year’s party, the frat boys and friends rent a party train. Hey, who’s that conductor, Ringo Starr? Nope, it’s Flippo the Nerd ready to make up for all those dissection classes he missed while he was in the nut-house. Stabby-stabby-stab, screamy-screamy-scream, gag-choke-die. Revenge is pretty simple when all the assholes are stuck on a train with you and there are an unlimited number of disguises you can wear. Luka calls this a Good Unintentional Bad Movie because who hates trains, right? Terror or Thomas, trains are just good, wholesome fun. Toot-toot!

During our ride on Thomas, we passed many of his friends. These including ore boats, retired steamships, classic trains cars, and three trees worth of rotting babies. What the bloody hell?

The family of Aaron Collins have been fulfilling his last wish by going to restaurants and giving the people who wait on them $500 tips. People from all over the country have been donating to this wonderful tribute, and you can go to aaroncollins.org to learn more.

In this week’s thrilling educational short, a bunch of easily amused kids plan a swinging party, complete with a sing-a-long and a paper hat making contest! Wow! Let the good times roll with What Makes A Good Party (1950)!

Alchemy Divine is an Etsy shop with beautiful handmade jewelry and snazzy cool things. Click this link and check ’em out! You’ll be surprised at what you find.

From Skullard’s Postcard Collection: Our Loveliest Listener Janette sent me this great postcard which got mailed back in 1911. Believe it or not, that’s older than me, although the guy with the anchor in his britches is the spitting image of yours truly around the age of 20 or so. Not that I was in the habit of hanging around with blimps at that age, or getting high. I was a very down-to-earth lad in my day. And I was never so thrilled to get a wedgie as this dude seems to be. Still, that was back in 1911, so that may have been the only action he was going to see. Plus he’s dead now. I’m not. So, once again, I win!

054 It’s All Very Simple

When did you learn where babies came from? Luka was only a little girl when her folks gave her “The Pop-Up Book of Reproduction.” POW! That penis came right at you! Skullard, on the other hand, ended up getting The Talk when he was a fifth grader at church. A sweaty, well-meaning youth minister somehow convinced the various parents that Sunday School was the best place for children to learn the rudimentaries of sex ed. Brave man, considering these days he would have been drawn and quartered for even suggesting to church kids that sex exists, much less how doggie style keeps the weight off the girl and allows deeper penetration. Of course, growing up as we did, there was no way either of us could have known the true realities of the intermingling of sperm and egg . . . and we still don’t. We opted out of the whole thing. Turns out, we didn’t need to know where babies came from, just where the contraceptives could be picked up. Once you know how to keep babies from showing up, it’s all very simple. And as the old acronym says, “Keep It Simple, Stupid!” Since we’re not constantly having to buy school supplies, small clothes and Lunchables, we have money to waste on toys for us. And since we don’t have to attend soccer games, teacher conferences or school programs, we can waste time by going to see Thomas the Tank Engine. Who needs a baby? We ARE the kids!

In 1980, Rory Calhoun said to himself, “Rory Calhoun, you’ve done enough of this standing and walking around business. You need to get out there and do something different. Something involving burying people up to their necks in dirt. Something where you can stick a pig on your head and have a chainsaw fight. You’ll never be able to live with yourself if you don’t. Plus, a check would be nice.” And so, Motel Hell came about. Treat yourself to this charming story of inbred cannibalism. In this Good Intentionally Bad Movie, Farmer Vincent has a great marketing plan for his backwoods motel: spiking the tires of hapless passers-by. Oops, need a place for the night? Why not stay here where you can rest and eat some of Vincent’s famous fritters? Mmmmm, tastes like chicken. What’s in ’em? Well, let’s just say “meat’s meat, and man’s gotta eat.” Take a little stroll through the back garden. Are those heads of lettuce? Nevermind. Say, when’s checkout around here?

“Lucky Larry” gets a lift out to sea from his pal and benefactor Don MacKenzie. “The most expensive lobster I never ate.”

A studio apartment with just ONE of these nasties would be too much. But Dylan Baumann lives with 40 of ’em!?! It’s hard to believe that the apartment shortage in Omaha is really this bad.

Just what every 13 year old boy needs: an unalterable body modification.

Oh! What happens when the groceries in the fridge and cupboard run out? How does one obtain more? Such an ordeal must be frought with dangers and rife with befuddling confusion, yes? No! Behold this week’s educational short; Buying Food (1950)!

From Skullard’s Postcard Collection: “Da hell ya doin’, ya numbskull? Da baby’s all wet now!”

“I’m marinatin’ him. Da hell youse t’ink I’m doin’, nimrod? I’m givin’ him a bat’.”

“You’se can’t wash off baby-stink. Here, let me sponge off da little monster. Youse been spongin’ offa me dis last few years, ’bout time I gets a toin.”

“Don’ get over-excited by his tonger-wubbly.”

“Dat’s his wang? I can’t believe it!”

“I knows, right? I ain’t seen one dat big in dis house fer years.”

“Youse a piece a shit, youse know dat? Miserable, dried-up slag.”

“Hey! Stop callin’ me slag in fronna da fuckin’ baby! I’m his mudder!”

“Geez, did he wizz in dere?”

Mmmmm . . . aebleskivers! This one’s for the ladies. Thanks, Myk!